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Recipes with Honey

Crunchy Honey Vanilla Granola

Crunchy Honey Vanilla Granola


  • 4 c. old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 c. wheat bran
  • 1 c. shredded unsweetened coconut
  • 1 c. slivered or sliced almonds
  • ½ c. firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 1 T. ground cinnamon
  • 1 t. salt
  • ½ c. honey
  • ½ c. oil—canola or vegetable
  • 2 T. milk
  • 1 t. vanilla


Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly oil a large rimmed baking sheet.

Combine oats, wheat bran, coconut, almonds, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt in a large bow. Stir well.

Stir honey, oil, milk, and vanilla in a small saucepan over low heat until misture fizzes around the edges. Pour over oat mixture and stir well.

Spread onto prepared baking sheet. Bake about 25 minutes until lightly browned, stirring often. Place baking sheet on a wire rack and cool, undisturbed, until room temperature—about 1 ½ hours. Break up and store in a large air tight container for up to 1 month.

Makes 8 cups.

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